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  1. WiredTiger
  2. WT-11646

Archived Data Files wiki should mention WiredTiger Command-Line Tool option

    • Type: Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Done
    • Priority: Icon: Minor - P4 Minor - P4
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
    • None
    • Execution EMEA Team 2023-10-16
    • Not Needed

      Right now, the wiki recommends starting a live mongod for analyzing data files.

      The data files are in a tarball and named after the failed test or hook that triggered archiving. After downloading and untarring, they can be used by starting a mongod with the dbpath set to the data file directory. Make sure the mongod version used is exactly the same as the version in the commit with a failed test; using a different version may cause invariants to fail at startup. In most cases, just bringing up standalone mongod instances for each collected data file makes sense, because that allows the data files to be examined as they were at each node when the failure was recorded. If the original test used a replica set fixture, creating a local replica set may allow data to propagate between nodes and cause the data files to be changed from their state at failure time.

      That said, if you do want to intialize a local replica set based on archived data files, make sure to use the same port and replica set name as in the original invocation (which can be seen in the logs). Otherwise, each node will enter the REMOVED state and will need to be reconfigured.

      Developers should also be aware of how to upload the data files and analyze them through the WiredTiger command line tool. This is imperative if the failure being investigated will be affected by startup recovery code (ex: SERVER-78428).

            haley.connelly@mongodb.com Haley Connelly
            haley.connelly@mongodb.com Haley Connelly
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