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  1. WiredTiger
  2. WT-1216

unable to perform recovery when using custom collator

    • Type: Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • WT2.4.0
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None

      As reported by me on wiredtiger-users list:

      Attempt to enable transaction logging with custom collator led to classic catch-22 situation.
      Demonstration test:

      $ cat b.c

      include <assert.h>

      include <stdio.h>

      include <string.h>

      include <wiredtiger.h>

      define DB_HOME "coll.db"

      static int
      my_compare(WT_COLLATOR _collator, WT_SESSION _session, const WT_ITEM *v1, const WT_ITEM _v2, int _cmp)
      uint64_t a = *(uint64_t *)v1->data;
      uint64_t b = *(uint64_t *)v2->data;
      *cmp = (a < b ? -1 : (a > b ? 1 : 0));
      return 0;

      static WT_COLLATOR my_coll =

      { my_compare, NULL }


      int main(int argc, char **argv)
      WT_CONNECTION *conn;
      WT_SESSION *session;
      WT_CURSOR *cursor;
      uint64_t key;

      if (argc > 1) {
      assert(system("rm -rf " DB_HOME " && mkdir " DB_HOME) == 0);

      assert(wiredtiger_open(DB_HOME, NULL, "create,log=(enabled)", &conn) == 0);
      assert(conn->add_collator(conn, "my_coll", &my_coll, NULL) == 0);

      assert(conn->open_session(conn, NULL, NULL, &session) == 0);
      assert(session->create(session, "table:access", "key_format=Q,value_format=Q,collator=my_coll") == 0);

      assert(session->open_cursor(session, "table:access", NULL, NULL, &cursor) == 0);

      for (key = 0; key < 10; ++key)

      { cursor->set_key(cursor, key); cursor->set_value(cursor, key); assert(cursor->insert(cursor) == 0); }


      assert(wiredtiger_open(DB_HOME, NULL, "log=(enabled)", &conn) == 0);
      assert(conn->add_collator(conn, "my_coll", &my_coll, NULL) == 0);

      assert(conn->close(conn, NULL) == 0);

      return 0;
      $ gcc -lwiredtiger b.c
      $ ./a.out create-and-crash
      $ ./a.out
      [1410363294:40718][27478:009737a8267f0000], file:access.wt: unknown collator 'my_coll': Invalid argument
      [1410363294:40760][27478:009737a8267f0000], file:access.wt: Operation failed during recovery: Invalid argument
      a.out: b.c:47: main: Assertion `wiredtiger_open("coll.db", ((void *)0), "log=(enabled)", &conn) == 0' failed.
      Aborted (core dumped)

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            dmitri-shubin Dmitri Shubin
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