WT tool offers relevant information about the on-disk/in-memory representation of data using `dump_pages` options in WT verify.
Example command -
./wt -h . verify -d dump_pages "file:test.wt"
However, there are some challenges with the current output format of the data.
- Non-standard output pattern - The existing output does not follow a standardized pattern, such as the common ‘key-value’ format. This lack of pattern affects readability making it difficult to comprehend the data.
- Script parsing issues - Due to this irregular format it becomes complicated to parse the output with scripts.
Acceptance criteria -
The proposed improvements in the section involve trying to standardize the current format of the output of `dump_pages` which allows better readability and easier script parsing.
Current output -
file:test_timestamp08.wt: checkpoint WiredTigerCheckpoint.1
Root: [0: 8192-12288, 4096, 4052293923] row-store internal
0xd7c950: row-store internal
0xd7c950, memory, internal
disk 0xdfa340, dsk_mem_size 52, write_gen: 3, entries 1, clean, disk-alloc, memory-size 444
0xd6ae00, disk, leaf
0xd6ae00: row-store leaf
0xd6ae00, memory, leaf
disk 0xdfb350, dsk_mem_size 64, write_gen: 2, entries 6, clean, keys-built, disk-alloc, memory-size 328
value/short: {REDACTED}
Example expected output (Adjustments will be made as needed later)
file:test_timestamp08.wt: checkpoint WiredTigerCheckpoint.1
- Root Page:
Addr info: [0: 8192-12288, 4096, 4052293923]
- row-store internal: 0xd7c950
disk: 0xdfa340, dsk_mem_size: 52, write_gen: 3, entries: 1, state: clean, flags: [disk-alloc], memory-size: 444
V: 0xd6ae00, state: disk
- row-store leaf: 0xd6ae00
disk: 0xdfb350, dsk_mem_size: 64, write_gen: 2, entries: 6, state: clean, flags: [keys-built, disk-alloc], memory-size 328
V: {REDACTED}, type: short