In order for the MongoDB server to understand and interpret a JSON event message category and level (to establish further LOGV2 mappings) we will need to make the verbose category (i.e. WT_VERB_API, WT_VERB_EVICT) and level identifiers (i.e. WT_VERBOSE_ERROR, WT_VERB_DEBUG) easily available and accessible. This would involve making the identifier definitions available in the public WiredTiger API header file.
Definition of Done:
- Export WiredTiger verbose category and level definitions via the public WiredTiger API header file.
- Update the documentation (see link in the comment) if required.
- is depended on by
SERVER-61744 Handle a new WiredTiger system log component hierarchy in LOGV2
- Closed
- related to
WT-8796 Clone the correct mongo branch based on the wiredtiger branch for many-collection-test
- Closed