The ticket involves the following:
- Add a put object function to the AWS bucket conn to upload the given object to the configured bucket. Add a supporting unit test.
- Implement WT_STORAGE_SOURCE.ss_flush for the tiered storage to move a file to the S3. The functionality will use the AWS put object to do so.
- Implement WT_STORAGE_SOURCE.ss_flush_finish to move the local file to the cache.
- Update the s3_store python test to flush the object to S3. Then use file exists (
WT-8716) check to confirm that the file exists. (Test should also attempt to expire the cached object, i.e. delete it, then confirm the file still exists) - Add relevant statistics
- depends on
WT-8716 Configure S3 cache and Implement S3 filesystem's file-exists check
- Closed