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  1. Compass
  2. COMPASS-8381

Add "Connect" button to connections in sidebar

    • Needed
    • Hide

      We need to update these instructions on how to connect on https://www.mongodb.com/docs/compass/current/connect/connections/

      To connect to a saved or favorite deployment, click the name of the connection in the Connections list.

      Instead we'll need to instruct users to hold their cursor over the connection in the list and click the "Connect" button.

      We need to update these instructions on how to connect on https://www.mongodb.com/docs/compass/current/connect/connections/ To connect to a saved or favorite deployment, click the name of the connection in the Connections list. Instead we'll need to instruct users to hold their cursor over the connection in the list and click the "Connect" button.
    • Developer Tools

      Users made it clear in feedback received after the multiple connections feature launch that some prefer working with connections in separate windows still. Also, it is to easy to just click on a connection in the sidebar to connect accidentally. To this end, we will add a new "Connect" button with 2 options, enabling users to connect in the current window or in a new window.

      Here are the designs on Figma: https://www.figma.com/proto/JmNVeRAx398lbu3kNQiuZc/Multiple-connection-UX-tweaks?page-id=37%3A246&node-id=46-18609&node-type=frame&viewport=299%2C529%2C0.17&t=RFH9KZbpTFSaGvP8-1&scaling=contain&content-scaling=responsive&starting-point-node-id=46%3A18609

      For now, please do not add the open in read-only mode option. We can add that in a followup ticket, and it is lower priority than getting the first button out the door. 

      A few clarifications on the design, since it doesn't have all the details flushed out: 

      1. Clicking the primary trigger surface connects you immediately in the same window.
      2. Button appears on hover of a connection node.
      3. Definitely disable dropdown for Compass Web.

      In the scope of this ticket, we only want to add the connect button, the drop-down menu with "connect in new window" should be done in COMPASS-8473

            kraen.hansen@mongodb.com Kræn Hansen
            elizabeth.button@mongodb.com Betsy Button
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