If replication is enabled, the $backupCursor document source should additionally return a metadata document with three fields:
{ checkpointTImestamp: <BSONTimestamp>, oplogStart: <OpTime>, oplogEnd: <OpTime> }
getLastStableCheckpointTimestamp should be used to acquire the checkpointTimestamp. Additionally, the design document dictates how to obtain the oplog start/end optimes.
Note that during initial sync, the checkpointTimestamp may not exist. A backup in that state is of questionable value, but this project will not prohibit an application from taking one.
- depends on
SERVER-36265 Expose `BackupCursorService::openBackupCursor` to aggregation command.
- Closed
- is depended on by
SERVER-36270 Add $backupCursor restore path tests to manipulate the truncateAfterPoint
- Closed